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EM Sovereigns: Riding the Waves of Change


Explore the dynamic landscape of emerging market sovereigns in the latest episode of the Know More. Risk Better. podcast. Winnie Cisar, Global Head of Strategy at CreditSights, and Regis Chatellier, Head of EM Sovereign Strategy, delve into the standout performance of EM sovereigns in 2024 and the outlook for 2025. They discuss the surprising strength driven by key high-yield countries and the potential challenges ahead, including US trade policies, geopolitical risks, and fiscal deficits. With insights into market valuations and strategic recommendations, this episode provides a comprehensive overview of the opportunities and risks in the EM sovereign space. Tune in to understand how the forces shaping EM markets may change in the coming months.


Winnie Cisar
Global Head of Strategy at CreditSights

Regis Chatellier
Head of EM Sovereign Strategy at CreditSights

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