European Special Situations Webinar: May 2023
Date: May 3, 2023
Presenters: Sandrine Bradley (LFI), Kirsten Heenan (Covenant Review), Alex Kay (Hogan Lovells), Mary Pollock, CFA (CreditSights), Glenn Zahn (CreditSights)
CreditSights Senior Special Situations Analyst, Glenn Zahn, Covenant Review’s Senior Covenant Analyst, Kirsten Heenan, and LevFin Insights Senior Reporter, Sandrine Bradley, were joined by Alex Kay, Partner at Hogan Lovells to host a webinar focusing on the current landscape and future trends for European Special Situations, with a blend of credit and covenant analysis as well as views from within the market on the following key topics.
Topics of Discussion:
Market outlook in the coming months.
The impact of Adler’s UK Restructuring Plan on the European restructuring market.
Real estate in sharp focus.
A deep dive look at Casino, and whether the French retailer is heading towards a debt restructuring. We will also look at certain covenant implications of its proposed Joint Venture with Teract.
New credits and sectors in focus in the European special situations space.
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